New Orleans Wedding Videographer Services:
Personalized Wedding Films and Customizable Packages

New Orleans Wedding Videographer

Searching for a New Orleans wedding videographer?

We are professional videographers that provide wedding video services in New Orleans for many couples that live and visit here. We also film weddings in other parts of Louisiana and out-of-state destinations upon request.

Our style of filmmaking captures the narrative and special moments of your wedding day, resulting in a beautiful film that will preserve your memories.

With our unique approach, we combine documentary storytelling with stylized shots, creating a perfect balance that brings your wedding story to life through moving pictures.

Customize Your Own Package

We understand that every wedding has unique requirements. That’s why we offer a variety of package options that can be customized to suit your specific needs and preferences.

Short Film

Our short-form edit shows the highlights of your wedding day. With carefully selected clips that are edited to music, this film captures the essence and emotion of your special day. It is perfect for viewing on social media.

Feature Film

For those wanting a documentary, our feature film provides a long-form edit with full segments of your wedding day, including your entire ceremony. This film includes all of the important parts of your wedding (and a little extra), beautifully documented in long segments, allowing you to relive your wedding day from start to finish.

Raw Footage

Keep everything with our raw footage option. It includes all the unedited video and audio files recorded during the coverage of your wedding. Raw footage gives you the option to keep all of the content we record.

Book Now, Upgrade Later

We offer the flexibility to add options to your package after your big day. Our after-wedding upgrade allows you to include additional options at a later time, so you don’t have to choose it all at once.